Testing some takes, I clicked on "reset" in a text box.
In a void box, I saw it generated transcripts !? So there should be an explicit "transcript" option.
At 1st, I thought it was just a box to comment the take (such as "very good take"). I tested the "reset" after having manually typed in some text with "edit". I see that clicking "reset" either doesn’t change (or reset) anything, either generated once a Russian transcript (granted, I was more or less moaning in French on that take).
After several clicks on 1st try, then 2-3 minutes later a 2nd try with 2-3 clicks, "reset" did reset the text... by replacing it with a transcript.
Given all these tests, may I suggest the following options :
transcript / edit / rerun / clear
so that the respondent directly understand that :
  • the infobox serves the purpose of transcribing audio to text
  • the transcript can be edited
  • the transcript can be "rerun" rather than "reset"
  • the text content can be "cleared" (I understood "reset" as a "clearing" of the box, that is re-set it as in the beginning = empty)